Our proven track record in this field has earned our ranking as one of the highly recommended law firms in the Philippines by AsiaLaw in 2018 for Corporate and ranked under Tier 2 by Asia Pacific Legal 500 for 2019.
Our corporate lawyers are equipped with expertise gained over the firm’s decades of experience in corporate formation, compliance with regulatory requirements, reorganization and dissolution/liquidation. We are adept in determining the appropriate corporate vehicle and business structure needed by and is most efficient to our clients, in raising potential legal risks and concerns faced by corporations, and in finding solutions to address these risks and concerns in line with our client’s business strategies.
Our practice in this area involves a broad array of both substantial transactional work and day-to-day legal counseling of corporations and other businesses, large and small, to comply with regulatory requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory government agencies. Our corporate lawyers accept engagements as Corporate Secretary and we ensure that our clients promptly comply with corporate housekeeping requirements with good governance in keeping with industry standards.
Our clients appreciate our deep understanding of the country’s legal and regulatory framework and government decision-making processes, and our ability to provide critical legal and business advice relating to our clients’ industry-sensitive contracts and business dealings. We keep ourselves abreast of new legislations and regulations that may affect our clients’ businesses, as well as of current trends in business models, to assure our clients with optimal protection as they operate their businesses in the Philippines.
Our Corporate Team is headed by Hector A. Martinez ranked as one of Philippines’ Top 100 Lawyers for 2018 by Asia Business Law, Carlos G. Platon, ranked as Leading Individual for Corporate and M&A by Asia Pacific Legal 500 (2019) and Rachelle Aileen Santos, recognized as Leading Lawyer for Corporate and M&A by Asia Law Profiles.